Sunday, August 19, 2012

July 6th, 2012 

                     So it's been only a little over six weeks since we got married and we must say that marriage is pretty darn awesome! I think we'd both agree that our favorite perk of being married is that we never have to leave each other at night. Another one is that curfew doesn't apply anymore! That's a relief. I remember us both being extremely exhausted while we were still dating, but not wanting to go to bed because then we couldn't spend time together.We use to always stay up pretty late. I don't think we ever went to bed before midnight on Fridays and 1am on Saturdays during those days. Now we can't keep our eyes open past 10pm. We feel old needless to say. We can't even finish a full length movie anymore, which wouldn't be that bad, but with our last batch of gift cards to Target we decided to buy some movies. 16 movies to be exact. I think we have only finished 2 of them in the last six weeks... 

                     Now to elucidate a little more on how great marriage is, here is a list of other reasons why I love being married to Megan.

1. I am married to this beautiful woman

2. She makes me laugh constantly! 
3. She is such an amazing cook.
4. She is my best friend. 
5. She keeps me on key when we sing the hymn during family night. 
6.She has the coolest family!
7. She makes me want to be the best that I can be. 
8. She lets me sleep with a fan at night, even though most nights she is super cold. 
9. She is extremely supportive in everything that I do.
10. She laughs at all my jokes (even if she doesn't think it's funny-most of the time i'm sure it's not)

I can't describe the way I felt the day of our wedding, but I know the love I have for her is increasing daily. She is the kindest and sweetest person I know. There are so many more reasons why I am so blessed to have her as my wife and I am looking forward to learning many more. Since I can't describe my happiness very well through words here is a picture that should illustrate just how I feel right now. 

Life is great! 



  1. Such great times. Not having to leave each other at night is the best. Meg, that pic of you (#1) is GORGEOUS. Love to you both!

  2. Awww this is so sweet. And yes, Megan is very beautiful. I'm glad you have a blog now!

  3. Russell usually freezes me out with the air on too!! So sweet! I I also have developed the inability to stay awake through a movie if it's past 11:00pm.

  4. You guys are adorable!!! I'm so excited that you have a blog now!
