So, we bought a little truck at the beginning of the year. It's a '94 Ford Ranger. It's golden. And it has rear wheel drive, which is the stinkiest thing that ever happened to a Georgia girl trying to learn to drive in snow. But we love it all the same.
This last Sunday while at a friends house, a MONSTRO SUV backed into little Goldy, breaking both tail lights and denting the tail gate. The two girls driving, who also happen to be in our ward said, "We were talking. I don't think we hit it too hard," while crying hysterically. The poor dears.
So we called our insurance, they sent an appraiser out to appraise the damage, and we'll probably be getting a nice fatty check from the girls' insurance company.
Last night, the rear brakes went out. It is scary. We weren't sure if it was from the girls running into us or what, so Sam called our insurance again to report the accident. While explaining, he said, "We're not sure if it was because we got hit in the rear, or what." HAHAHAHAHA isn't that funny?
He didn't think so either. But I sure did. It kind of reminds me when the guy came to Dad's childhood home and reported that he'd had an accident in front of their house. HA.