Sunday, September 8, 2013

37 weeks!!

And I quote:

Your baby "is now clinically mature and ready to be born."


That is wonderful news. This is part in the recipe that says "remove from oven and cool on wire rack," and let's be serious, we could really just skip that step and scarf. But apparently our baby likes to follow directions, so she's in there cooling her jets and getting pumped to make her grand entrance.

Sorry I wear the same clothes in every picture...

Our appointments are every week. Our appointment last Tuesday was swell, I'm measuring 36 which is  spot on. The midwife that we met with made us nervous that the babe wasn't moving enough, so we panicked and went back the next day and did a non-stress test, where they just put a monitor on my tummy and we get to listen to her heart beat for 20 minutes and a little chart spits out of the machine. The lady came in and said that little Penelope is just perfect. Huzzah!


  1. Scarf, eh? I'm only slightly disturbed. HA! VERY cute. I want your dress.

  2. You are way too cute for being 37 weeks pregnant. Won't be long now!

  3. You look adorable! You guys are gettin' down to the finish line!
