Saturday, November 2, 2013

Raisin' this baby right...?

Between noon and about five, Natalie runs into a rough patch where she's sleepy, but doesn't want to sleep unless VERY specific requirements are met, i.e, being held with no pillows to support my quivering arms, a blanket, and the sucker being inserted and reinserted every 45 seconds. And I just didn't want to do it today. So I created a little spot on the floor for her with lots of things to look at, and I camped with her for a little bit, trying to either keep her happy and awake, or asleep. But she would have none of it.

In a last ditch effort to stop the crying and not have to tote her for the next two hours, I turned on a little old school Justin Bieber.

Out like a light.


  1. She was just trying to explain her Bieber fever to you this whole time! I would have been frustrated too. :) She is so cute, and I love the elephant blanket.

  2. Hahaha Bieber fever baby. She is SSSSSOOOOOOOO cute! Weren't you the one who had to have thier fingers in mom's or dad's mouth to go to sleep?
