Monday, December 2, 2013

Two months

It's been an awesome 9 weeks. We've marked several things off the checklist, including surviving diaper rash, one road trip, going to the grocery store alone with the baby, gone to church for all three hours, and social smiling. :) (like that.) The proof is in the pudding.

 This lovely piece was a gift from a sister in law from Halloween. It is unfortunate, but she still works it.

 She likes her swing much more now that she's a little bulkier.

 Singing with Daddy.

 She's a dainty lady.

 Her favorite way to sleep. She wakes up with icicle hands. And she likes it.

 Her Thanksgiving outfit from Grandpa Brooks and Nana Shari. Not pictured: The large turkey on the bum.

 I think we'll keep her.

 Her mouth and hand have recently struck up a very friendly relationship.

I just like the tongue thrusting. She's cute.


  1. What a happy baby! I can't believe how much she has grown since we saw her! She must have a super mom and dad who are taking great care of her! She is beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing!!!

  2. Aww! I especially like the big-mouth smiles. Cute little bebe!

  3. She is waaaaay too cute! What a sweetheart! Give her loves from me!

  4. She is SO cute!!! I can't believe how big she's getting!
