Friday, January 3, 2014

Three Months

On Natalie: She's just the world's greatest baby. She is officially a formula baby, eating about 6 ounces every 3 hours. She sleeps through the night! We're talking 9 pm-ish to 8:30 am-ish!! HALLELUJAH!! She's outgrown all things newborn, and now rocks the 0-3 and 3 month clothes. She still is very much a daddy's girl, but she's got her mom's green eyes and brown hair and lips. She smiles at everything, and laughs if we're lucky. She rolled over TWICE! the other day, from tummy to back. She's growing up quick!


  1. She is stinkin' cute! I'd say she has her momma's eyes. I love the little hair sprouts! Give her a squeeze from Grammie please!

  2. Oh man, I need to squish that baby before she grows any more! And her rolls in the bathtub pic are KILLING. ME. Also, you need to teach me everything you know about how to get a 3 month old to sleep 12 hours straight. Amazing!
