Wednesday, May 7, 2014


These are all so wonderful that I'm not sure if I can rank them in order of awesomeness.

NATALIE CUT HER FIRST LITTLE TOOTHY!!! I discovered it as I was babysitting. Both children were screaming, Natalie because it was 30 minutes past naptime and I forgot the sucker, and the other kid because Natalie was causing such a ruckus. I put the other kid back in his bed and attempted to use my pinkie finger as a sucker for Natalie, and she bit me!! It hurt so good! You can't see it very well, so you'll all just have to come visit to take a look-see.

I SAW A WOOD CHUCK! ON MY RUN! Or a groundhog or a gopher or something. I can't prove it, you'll just have to believe me. But I did! It ran right up next to the road and sniffed around and then disappeared into a hole. I'll have to go back and get photographic evidence of his escape route.

And in conclusion, I get to pass these when I run. Doesn't get better than that.

*This just in. After extensive research involving Google images, it can be confirmed that what I spotted was indeed a wood chuck.

1 comment:

  1. I love finding places like that to run! 2 years ago I found this stretch of trail lined on both sides with sunflowers! It was like a dream. I dragged all my family there a few days later to see it. Congratulations on the wood chuck, and also the tooth! And on running! You are inspirational!
