Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Family pictures

Our sweet friend Katy in our old Rexburg ward is a fantastic photographer and did some family pictures for us before we left. Michelle asked me how I felt about taking pictures while pregnant, and I boldly stated that I felt no shame or self-consciousnes in doing it, and why avoid it if it's such an integral part of the early days of your family, etc. And then I saw all the pictures. Haha. It confirmed a lot of fears and sneaky suspicions I had about what my body looks like right now. I'll never do it again is what I'm trying to say.

As a general rule, if I'm not in it, I love it.


  1. First of all, it has been SO FUN to read all these posts lately! I love it!

    Secondly, I LOVE these pictures. You guys are adorable. And Natalie is so cute it makes me want to scream.

  2. Natalie is the most photogenic person I know!
